Signum Aviation Welcomes New Board Members
/eft to right – Dave Edwards, Jonathan Gill, Tom WellsSignum Aviation Ltd (Signum) has appointed two new non-executive directors to its board: Dave Edwards and Tom Wells of Windsor Capital LLP, an investment company specializing in the aviation industry.
Dave’s career has always been in aviation, formerly the Executive Vice President of Qatar Airways’ business jet division, as well as MD, Middle and Asia for Gama Aviation. Tom’s career was spent with Gama Aviation as their MD, Europe for the Air Division. Together they lead Windsor Capital and its investment in a variety of aviation businesses.
Founded by Jonathan Gill in 2007, Signum has grown from a small office in Chester to a its present facility at City Airport, Manchester, with a staff of 15, supporting over 20,000 flights around the world, each year with aircraft ranging in size from Cessna Mustangs through to Boeing 777s. The business has enjoyed tremendous growth since its foundation, currently averaging a CAGR of 52.75% over the past six years.