UAM/UAS Reps on Hand for Reporters in New NBAA-BACE Display Area

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is inviting members of the media to a special, pre-show press availability at the new Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Innovation Display Area at NBAA’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Las Vegas, NV, on Monday, Oct. 21, the show’s media day.

Specifically, representatives with leading UAM and UAS companies will be on hand for reporters from 3:30 – 4:15 p.m. PT, to discuss their prototypes, field questions, and explain how their technologies will help shape the future of aviation. The NBAA-BACE exhibit floor location for the display area is N1816.

What: Press availability for reporters to connect with UAM/UAS manufacturers about products they will have on display in a new area on the show’s exhibit floor, adjacent to the convention’s Innovation Zone.

Featuring: Representatives with UAM, UAS and electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) developers, including:

  • ·  Airbus – Vahana
  • ·  Bell – Nexus
  • ·  Boeing Horizon X
  • ·  Bye Aerospace
  • ·  Honeywell
  • ·  Jaunt Air Mobility – ROSA
  • ·  Nexa Advisors
  • ·  Uber Elevate/SAFRAN
  • ·  XTI – TriFan 600

NEXA Advisors also will be showcasing the results of their recent UAM infrastructure study and its implications for future integration.

Monday, Oct. 21, 3:30 – 4:15 p.m. PT.

Where: Adjacent to the Innovation Zone, North Hall, Las Vegas Convention Center Exhibit floor, Booth N1816

To be a part of this press availability, RSVP to NBAA’s Sara Rice at

Focus on UAM Innovation Continues Throughout the Week

Keynotes and sessions at NBAA-BACE will highlight many aspects of the latest developments in UAS and UAM, as well as other emerging technologies. Innovation-themed programming includes:

Tuesday, Oct. 22

8:30 a.m. Day 1 Keynote, Exhibit Hall N4

3 p.m. The Future of Urban Air Mobility, Innovation Zone, Booth N1818

4:30 p.m. Bring on the Future: AI, Urban Mobility and Business Aviation, Innovation Zone, Booth N1818

Wednesday, Oct. 23

9:15 a.m. Urban Air Mobility: Here Sooner Than You Might Think, Innovation Zone, Booth N1818.

10:30 a.m. Day 2 Keynote, Exhibit Hall N4

  • ·  Presentation by Uber Elevate Head Eric Allison, on UAM and eVTOL technologies.

12:30 p.m. Integrating Emerging Technologies into the NAS, Innovation Zone, Booth N1818

3 p.m. Autonomous Flight, Meeting Room 1 (N246).

Media interested in interviewing related speakers should inquire at the Press Headquarters, Room N109-110.


Learn more about NBAA-BACE.